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Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Punya Foto Tema Palestine? Yuk ikutan .....

Asia Pacific Community Confrence For Palestine
The constitution of the Republic of Indonesia declares “Independence is the rights of all nations, therefore all forms of oppression/occupation must be abolished on this earth”. Indonesia always declares its free and active international political stand point in bringing peace on earth. The world has seen how the land of Al-...Quds has been intimidated and the people of Palestine have been deprived of their lands and blockaded for the last few years by the Zionist Israel. The destruction that they have experienced for years has been devastating: tens of thousands Palestinian people killed, hundreds of thousands mostly children and women become victims and refugees outside of Palestinian land, and thousands of houses and social infrastructures destroyed completely. Serious violations of human rights of Palestinian by Zionist Israel have been condemned and cursed by other nations that still have sincere hearts worldwide. Some other countries have even done concrete steps, such as expelling representatives of Israeli government from their countries, boycotting products of Israel and allies including USA, and organizing massive demonstration and sending humanitarian aids to Gaza, Palestine. Nations worldwide were not left outdoing heroic actions as evidences of solidarity and support for Palestinian people, such as the First and Second Freedom Flotilla Actions sometime ago. Inspired by the two above mentioned mandates and aspiration to help the people of Palestine, the Indonesian National Committee for PalestinianPeople (KNRP) and the Palestinian Caucus of the Indonesian Parliament in collaboration with the World Society for Democracy and Peace (WISDOMS), WAFAA Indonesia, ICMI, PUI, PERSIS, Mathla’ul Anwar, Spirit of Aqsa and Adara Relief International collectively strongly wish to initiate a conference, calling together all parties covering government officials, NGO committees and humanitarian activists in Asia Pacific region who sympathize with Palestine to sit together and to discuss steps tolessens the suffering of Palestinian.
berkenaan dengan kegiatan diatas, MP4Palestine berkesempatan ikut ambil bagian sebagai komunitas peduli Palestine. konfrensi ini akan dihadiri oleh NGO dari beberapa negara. nah...salah satu kegiatan yang akan diikuti oleh MP4P adalah penggalangan dana melalui penjualan foto-foto. foto ini akan di lelang dan dijual selama 2 hari ( 29-30 Juni 2011) adalah foto yang bertema MY People 4 Palestine:
- Kepedulian Bangsa Indonesia  terhadap Palestine dan tidak berbau anykind of sponsor, misalnya: partai

Monggo teman-teman yang mau berpartisipasi foto-fotonya secara sukarela untuk diikutkan dalam acara ini, bisa menghubungi saya,  via japri ok juga.

related link tentang MP4Palestine:
Apa dan Siapa MP4 Palestine
Kegiatan MP4Palestine untuk korban kebakaran Tambora dan Banjir Karawang
Cinta MP4Palestine untuk Palestine
Group MP4Palestine

8 komentar:

  1. waduh... adanya yg partai .... tp bisa di cut gambar benderanya piye?

  2. mau liat dunk mas wib...koleksi lain banyak kan. PM yak. tq

  3. nanti yak aku cari dulu....

  4. siappp...makasih mas wib. jika berkenan bisa langsung kirim ke imel inna sebanyak2nya juga senenng banget. :)

  5. huaa tak punyaaaaa wkwkwk :D semoga sukses ^^

  6. hihihihi.....gpp mbak. lain kali yok ikut liputan yang begini. :p

    btw...nanti daku minta tolong bantu2 yah mbak, edit2 foto. :)

  7. grup MP4 Palestina ini di mana Inna? di MP? ID-nya apa? Saya klik link di atas ga bisa dibuka

  8. Di Fesbuk Mbak....*barusan inna coba klik MP4Palestine-nya kebuka nih*

    di group FB : MP 4 Palestine(grouplama) atau MP4Palestine (regroup)
    di MP sebenernya juga ada mbak *belum sempat di update*....kadang jd lucu juga, cikal bakal dan orang2nya adalah teman-teman Multiply..., kami malah sangat aktif di FB.
    karena ternyata respon bagus baik untuk menginformasikan atau menggalang dana justru sangat baik di FB.
